1:1 Coaching
If you are a resounding YES and are ready to go on your coaching journey with me — hello and welcome!
Click the ‘LETS BEGIN - COACHING’ button to complete your Pre-Coaching Questionnaire and book your Complimentary Connection Session.
* Alternatively, if you’d like to chat to see if we are a perfect fit, I invite you to book a Complimentary Connection Session (15-20mins). Simply click the ‘LETS BEGIN COACHING’ button and follow the steps.
Any questions? I’d love to help. Fill in your details in the ‘Contact me’ area below and I’ll be in touch.
I look forward to having a heart-centred and inspiring conversation with you soon!
For any other questions, fill out the form below and I’ll be in touch.
I look forward to having a powerful and inspiring conversation with you soon.
Larissa x
Leadership Consulting
Ready to learn more about how I can support you and your business as a Leadership Consultant?
Click the button below to fill out your details and book a time for a complimentary conversation.
OR, contact me at hello@larissadrysdale.com
I look forward to having a powerful and inspiring conversation with you soon!
Contact me
e | hello@larissadrysdale.com
m | +64 275 300 180